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Past Events

swiTT Academy
Thursday, 16.01.2025
swiTTtalk online - Patent searching in part II
Monday, 02.12.2024 to Tuesday, 03.12.2024
swiTTacademy - Canning Negotiation Course
Wednesday, 13.11.2024
Thursday, 17.10.2024
swiTTtalk online - IPI/IGE industrial data sharing and data resources
Thursday, 27.06.2024
swiTTtalk online - Licensing AI and open non commercial models
Monday, 06.05.2024
swiTT Academy online - Technology and Patent Valuation
Thursday, 18.04.2024
swiTTtalk online - Patent searching in
Thursday, 15.02.2024
swiTTtalk online - The new Innosuisse Funding Agreement (since 1.1.23)
Thursday, 07.12.2023
swiTTtalk online - PhD at or with industry
Monday, 30.10.2023 to Tuesday, 31.10.2023
swiTT Academy Event: Canning Negotiation Course
Thursday, 24.08.2023
swiTTtalk online - Label requirement for Confidential Information
Thursday, 29.06.2023
swiTTtalk online - Contract Clause: Transfer of the ownership or a buy-out
Wednesday, 21.06.2023
swiTT Academy Event: 6th Open House at PSI in Villigen
Wednesday, 24.05.2023
Biotech Networking Event with SwiTT
Thursday, 23.03.2023
swiTT Academy Event: IP strategies to avoid or postpone deadline driven cost explosions
Thursday, 12.01.2023
swiTTtalk online - Academic policies on know-how transfer; management and rewards
Thursday, 10.11.2022
CSEM Open House
Thursday, 22.09.2022
swiTTtalk online - Presentation of the “Principles for Spin-Off Companies at the University of Zurich”
Thursday, 15.09.2022
swiTTtalk online - Presentation of the Swiss Association of Technology Transfer, swiTT
Tuesday, 06.09.2022
swiTT Academy - Export Control Workshop by Seco
Thursday, 16.06.2022
swiTTtalk online - Zoom Event - Licensee Royalty Reporting: Do you believe it or not?
Thursday, 05.05.2022
swiTTtalk online - Zoom event: What are W-8 Forms?
Thursday, 07.04.2022
swiTTtalk online - Zoom Event: open source licences and commercialization
Monday, 21.03.2022 to Tuesday, 22.03.2022
swiTT Academy - INCS Negotiation Course
Wednesday, 02.03.2022
swiTTtalk online - Zoom Event: Connecting swiTTies with LinkedIn
Thursday, 14.10.2021
swiTTtalk online - Zoom Event: IPR contracts in Innosuisse Flagship projects
Friday, 08.10.2021
swiTT Academy - Workshop on Patenting AI
Thursday, 26.08.2021
swiTTtalk online: Innosuisse Flagship Contracts
Thursday, 24.06.2021
swiTTtalk online: Dealing with limited resources
Wednesday, 19.05.2021
Open Innovation and IP issues in NTN Innovation Boosters
Tuesday, 18.05.2021
Online swiTT Academy - Export Control and Dual Use Workshop by Seco
Thursday, 29.04.2021
swiTTtalk online: How do you manage increasing patent costs?
Thursday, 25.03.2021
swiTTtalk online: Organizing Zoom meetings, Sharing do's and dont's
Tuesday, 01.12.2020
Online swiTT Academy - Workshop on Patenting AI
Tuesday, 17.11.2020
CSEM Open day - cancelled
Thursday, 15.10.2020
Innosuisse Mentors & swiTT Members Exchange, Muttenz
Wednesday, 14.10.2020
Innosuisse Mentors & swiTT Members Exchange, Lausanne
Thursday, 08.10.2020
Innosuisse Mentors & swiTT Members Exchange, Zürich
Tuesday, 23.06.2020
Online workshop: Efficient and Successful Use of LinkedIn for TT Offices
Wednesday, 13.11.2019 to Thursday, 14.11.2019
Canning Course 2
Monday, 11.11.2019 to Tuesday, 12.11.2019
Canning Course 1
Tuesday, 24.09.2019
EPFL Open House
Friday, 17.05.2019
Workshop: On year Innosuisse - follow-on / Save the date
Wednesday, 27.03.2019
Thursday, 08.11.2018
Unitec TT Open day
Tuesday, 15.05.2018
swiTT Academy - Evaluating Invention Disclosures
Tuesday, 05.12.2017
Workshop - Equity participation in spin-offs common pitfalls and best practices
Monday, 25.09.2017
2nd TT Open House @ ETH Zurich
Monday, 20.03.2017 to Tuesday, 21.03.2017
Canning training course on Negotiating International Deals
Annual Conference
Friday, 31.01.2025 to Saturday, 01.02.2025
swiTT Annual Conference 2025
Friday, 26.01.2024 to Saturday, 27.01.2024
swiTT Annual Conference 2024
Thursday, 07.09.2023
swiTT 20th Anniversary - registration closed by Tue, Aug, 29, 2023
Friday, 27.01.2023 to Saturday, 28.01.2023
swiTT Annual Conference 2023
Friday, 28.01.2022 to Saturday, 29.01.2022
swiTT Annual Conference 2022
Friday, 22.01.2021
Annual Conference 2021
Friday, 24.01.2020 to Saturday, 25.01.2020
swiTT Annual Conference 2020
Friday, 25.01.2019 to Saturday, 26.01.2019
2019 Annual Conference - Event Information
Friday, 26.01.2018 to Saturday, 27.01.2018
Annual Conference 2018 – Event Information
Friday, 27.01.2017 to Saturday, 28.01.2017
Annual Conference 2017 – Event Documentation