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swiTTtalk online: Innosuisse Flagship Contracts

26 August 2021 - 11.00 - 12.00 h - on Zoom

78 Flagship Preproposals have been handed in to Innosuisse and 33 consortia have been asked to supply a full proposal. Evaluation is expected for October 2021 and after that the consortia will receive the Innosuisse funding contract and are asked to set-up IPR agreements. We will (hopefully) all be involved in Flagship Projects and should evaluate if we can streamline our efforts towards the IPR agreement. In this first swiTTtalk online we want to gather parties that are willing to continue the streamlining work in a working group. Open questions are:

Since the concept is to carry out several correlated subprojects, each of them being more or less a standard Innosuisse-like project, and each of them having possibly a different Implementation Partner, but targeting together a systemic impact, shall this mean than the results shall be shared across the subprojects?
Could the IP rights of one subproject be transferred to another, which needs them to achieve its own objective? 
Shall we create a “global IP portfolio” of the Flagship? And what about differences in contributions among the different Implementation Partners and possible competitors? Or shall some close regulation be put in place? Different problems will rise which will not be simple to solve…I would very much appreciate to have the possibility of discussing those issues with other SwiTT members, and possibly converge towards a common best practices among all the institutions. Innosuisse could also be involved.

An outlook invivation with Zoom links will be sent to swiTT members prior to the event.
This will not be swiTT academy events with invited presenters but a sharing of best practices from all participants.