Target audience
Professionals new and experienced working at universities or in companies who are responsible for protecting software innovations with patents in Europe.
Workshop Goals
This workshop will address the following questions and topics:
- Is AI patentable? The EPO’s patentability framework – with interactive examples
- How to get the inventors to draft the perfect invention disclosure for an AI invention? A step-by-step guide
- How to minimize friction with the outside patent attorney? – and how to judge whether he/she does a good job
- updates in case law / ruling in Europe
Date, Location and General Information
Date: Friday, October 8, 2021
Duration: 9 to 12 am
Location: Virtual - Zoom Link will be sent prior to event
Language: English
Cost: CHF 50 for members / CHF 100 for non-members
Registration Deadline: Friday, October 1, 2021
Bastian Best is a European and German patent attorney who builds patent portfolios for digital innovators. His special interest lies in the patentability issues involved in artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, cryptography and the Internet of Things. The co-author of the chapter on Germany in “Software Patents Worldwide”, Bastian is always up to date on drafting software patent claims that are valid and enforceable in Germany and beyond.
He is a regular speaker on patents for emerging technologies at IP conferences around the world.
Natalia Giovannini is technology transfer manager at EPFL and member of the board of swiTT. Natalia has a molecular biology background and has participated in various research programs between 1994 and 2002 in the fields of transcription regulation, biology of the development and metabolism. Her post-doctoral research was financed by a big Swiss pharmaceutical company. Natalia is active in licensing technologies at EPFL (EPFL – TTO) mainly in the life science field since 2002. She is member of the Board of swiTT since 2008.
Please fill in, latest October 1, 2021, the registration form below.
Upon receipt of the registration, you will receive a confirmation with an invoice at the email you indicated.