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Technology Offers

swiTT is continually updating its new technologies from Swiss universities and other institutes of higher education.The technologies presented can form the basis of new product development in co-operation with business partners. A brief technical description and contact information is provided for each invention and technology. Search for technologies that are interesting for you in swiTT's data base.

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12.09.2017 - University of Bern
Low heat drill bit for surgery
20.07.2017 - Empa
Phononic Crystal Vibration Isolator
02.06.2017 - ETH Zürich
Building blocks for the synthesis of stereochemically pure oligonucleotides
07.03.2017 - Empa
Additive Manufacturing Process Control
07.03.2017 - Empa
Sensing Fruit
17.11.2016 - ETH Zürich
Real-time user feedback from unpredicatable data streams
24.11.2015 - University of Neuchâtel
Protection of copper alloys
24.11.2015 - University of Neuchâtel
Antioxidants produced in plants
21.01.2015 - University of Zürich
Miniinvasive Tool for preventing fracture due to osteoporosis
02.06.2014 - Empa
High Permittivity Silicone
26.06.2013 - University of Neuchâtel
Natural spatial insect repellents
15.04.2012 - University of Basel
Microwave field imaging device
10.05.2010 - University of Zürich
Novel compounds for treatment of severe inflammation and ischemia-reperfusion events
01.11.2005 - University of Zürich
Biomorphic electronic implementation of the cochlea