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swiTTacademy - Canning Negotiation Course


There are many ways of getting to a deal. You can bully, impose, or persuade. You can even fight over benchmarks and data. Or you can negotiate. This negotiation course helps you to achieve movement: getting your partners to move, and  managing your own movement.

Program outline

• Equip you with the skills, confidence and flexibility you need to negotiate effectively
• Enable you to prepare for negotiations with a simple, comprehensive Negotiation Model
• Help you to get the best out of your partners, by developing skills which stimulate co-operation, and which lead to long-lasting partnerships


Jamie Agnew, Canning

Date & Time

Date:       Monday, December 02 and Tuesday, December 03, 2024
Day 1:     Welcome and coffee starting from 08:30 h
Time:       09:00 - 17:00 h


Welle 7, Bern


CHF 1’650 swiTT-members
CHF 1’950 non-members
Hotel not included

Registration closed

The course is fully booked. If you are interested, please send an email to the office (